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Femmegineering would like to draw attention to some of the pioneers in the history of technology. To the women who paved the way…
I’ve graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics at the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. I’ve been interested…
"They asked Katherine Johnson for the moon, and she gave it to them." We've previously written about Mary W. Jackson -…
I believe that I chose a career as a software developer because it goes in the family. My father is a radio-electronic engineer…
Another woman to write tech history was the American computer scientist Anita Borg. After an education in computer…
I'm a switcher, I've started my professional path as a veterinarian. After graduation I worked as a vet for some time, however, I…
The next pioneer we want to highlight is Mary W Jackson. She was born in 1921 and was an American mathematician and space…
My family has many engineers: my grandfather, my dad, my uncle had technical education. When the time came to choose a…
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